

Its an historic Sicilian cheese of the province of Ragusa, of centuries-old tradition, obtained from raw milk of cows of Modican cows bred in the free state on the Iblei Mountains whose pastures are rich in aromatic herbs. The production area includes many municipalities in the province of Ragusa an.....more Its an historic Sicilian cheese of the province of Ragusa, of centuries-old tradition, obtained from raw milk of cows of Modican cows bred in the free state on the Iblei Mountains whose pastures are rich in aromatic herbs. The production area includes many municipalities in the province of Ragusa and some municipalities in the province of Syracuse including Noto, known for its famous almond.

The DOP Ragusa is a Caciocavallo matured up to 4 months in rectangular shapes that come to weigh up to 12-13 Kg. Despite in the last century, on the push of emigration towards the U.S.A, the production and export of this remarkable cheese have grown, to date the production is rather limited but valuable. The palate is spicy and full taste, can be enjoyed natural or grated and also breaded and fried.

Milk: COW
Seasoning: 12 months

Shelf Life: 365 days
Storage: +4 °C
Billing: €/Kg
*** at our warehouse

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